Saturday, October 28, 2006

GAO Chief Warns Economic Disaster Looms

 Stop This Ride I Want To Get Off!

And in the end it will be blamed on the 2008 administration.

Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders - primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading partners - have been eager to lend the government money at low interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.

In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.

More serious is the possibility that foreign lenders might lose their enthusiasm for lending money to the United States. Because treasury bills are sold at auction, that would mean paying higher interest rates in the future. And it wouldn't just be the government's problem. All interest rates would rise, making mortgages, car payments and student loans costlier, too.

Source: My Way News - GAO Chief Warns Economic Disaster Looms

Just A Quote.

 Why we need freedom of speech.

"What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the Revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The Revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington. The records of 13 legislatures, the pamphlets, newspapers in all the colonies, ought to be consulted during that period to ascertain the steps by which the public opinion was enlightened and informed..."

--John Adams, writing to Thomas Jefferson, 1815.

Source: Chris Daly: Are Bloggers Journalists? Let's ask Thomas Jefferson

Identifying Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt 25 July 2004

A 'Must Read' For Every U.S. Citizen.

Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, identifies social and political agendas common to fascist regimes. His comparisons of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile) yielded this list of 14 identifying characteristics of fascism.

Source: Identifying Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt 25 July 2004

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

 Read about the full implications of this several days ago, but couldn't bring myself to post it. Sad, sad times.

President Bush seized this unprecedented power on the very same day that he signed the equally odious Military Commissions Act of 2006. In a sense, the two laws complement one another. One allows for torture and detention abroad, while the other seeks to enforce acquiescence at home, preparing to order the military onto the streets of America. Remember, the term for putting an area under military law enforcement control is precise; the term is "martial law."
Section 1076 of the massive Authorization Act, which grants the Pentagon another $500-plus-billion for its ill-advised adventures, is entitled, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies." Section 333, "Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law" states that "the President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of ("refuse" or "fail" in) maintaining public order, "in order to suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy."

Source: Toward Freedom - Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

What A True Conservative Believes


A true conservative is fiscally responsible. Laying debt and interest payments on posterity is neither conservative nor liberal. It is just obscenely irresponsible.

A true conservative believes in noninterference in the affairs of other countries. Regime change is a policy favored by fascists or communists, but it has nothing to do with American conservatism. Americans have the right to govern only one country – their own. Americans have an obligation to defend only one country – their own.

A true conservative believes in a free economy and that beyond protecting the public from force and fraud, the government should not interfere in private affairs.

There are a lot of other things that define a genuine conservative, but suffice it to say that the Republican Party, with its imperialistic foreign policy, its disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law, its fiscal irresponsibility and its erosion of personal liberty, is not by any stretch of the imagination a conservative party.

It wouldn't be a bad idea for people to sit down with a pencil and paper and list what they actually believe. Clarifying their own political philosophy might make them less susceptible to the demagoguery and political propaganda that characterize our present age.

Source: No Conservative Party by Charley Reese

Godzilla's Tour Of The U.S.

I think I remember this....I think. 

The solid red lines indicate Godzilla's journey under his own power. The paths are only approximate, of course. The dashed lines indicate when Godzilla was moved by SHIELD (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division). Godzilla's trip to the moon was done via advanced Betan technology. His trip to Devil Dinosaur's time/planet (see below) was via Doctor Doom's time machine.

Source: Godzilla's Path through the Marvel Universe

Paul Introduces the "Sunlight Rule"

What took so long? 

While it might amaze many Americans to know that members of Congress virtually never read the bills they pass, it’s a common practice. Many bills are thousands of pages long and contain thousands of spending earmarks. Since most bills are never read except by their actual authors-- often staffers or even lobbyists, not the elected Representatives themselves-- the opportunities for taxpayer abuse are enormous.

Source: Paul Introduces the "Sunlight Rule"

The National Budget, Debt & Deficit ::

Now insert the appropriate presidential terms in office and see which party reduced and controlled the budget better. 

Source: The National Budget, Debt & Deficit ::

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Commenting on Olbermann's powerful special comment on the death of Habeas Corpus, Fox News exposers News Hounds commented:

Olbermann was not speaking as a closet Democrat, as a Fox News
commentator would speak as a closet Bush backer while claiming to be
fair and balanced. Olbermann was not speaking as someone who coddles
terrorists and wants them to "win." Olbermann was speaking as an
American who values the freedoms and protections guaranteed by the
Constitution and respected -- for the most part -- by previous
presidents. And he did it with passion."

Edward Murrow himself once said, it is a grave mistake to confuse
dissent with disloyalty or deny the right of the individual to be
wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox. The media has forgotten what
it's role in society is supposed to be, or rather it's role has been
irreversibly alerted by corporate acquisition and biased political


did it work?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hannidate......HaHaHa Ha Ha!

Someone's in more dire need.......


Hannidate - The place where people of like conservative minds can come together to meet. Whether you are looking for a life partner, or just someone to hang out with, here you'll be able to find exactly who you are looking for, locally or around the world.


Step This Way

This Really Piss's Me Off!

'Vets Group Proves GOP Does Not Support Troops,' careful scrutiny by the Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) shows that by a ludicrous margin, it is Senate Democrats, not Republicans, who truly support active troops, Veterans and military families.
Here's the full Senate rankings, with the letter grade assigned by IAVA:

Monday, October 23, 2006


Eureka!!   I've been looking for this info for a long time.

Lots of good info here.

A Joke?

During one of his morning briefings an aide tells President Bush that three Brazilian soldiers have been killed overnight in Iraq.

President Bush looks at the man and gasps, goes white and and falls of his chair.

After a moment to regain his composure he is helped back into his chair and asks the aide;

"In regular numbers just how many is a Brazilian?"

I Told You So!


Since 9/11 the PATRIOT Act has been used in numerous cases involving American citizens, including strip club owners, toy store proprietors, the homeless, owners of websites, writers, artists, photographers, and common criminals.

Section 802 of the PATRIOT Act is specifically aimed at US citizens and announces any crime as "domestic terrorism". Citizens can be held without a trial as "Enemy Combatants". The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in January 2003 that U.S. citizens can be stripped of their citizenship and held as enemy combatants.

Therefore any legislation passed by Bush automatically applies to American citizens because, as the Washington Post reported, after 9/11 Bush announced his "parallel legal system" in which he could declare any individual on the planet an enemy combatant and order their summary execution.

"The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say."

The trick being played on the American people in falsely assuring them that they are not the target is simple to decode. The Act states that it only applies to enemy combatants yet the President and his legal advisors like Alberto Gonzales have routinely announced that the President has the power to strip Americans of citizenship and declare them to be enemy combatants. The "enemy combatant designation" was ascribed to U.S. citizen Jose Padilla who was interned in a Navy brig for over three years with no charges against him.

Top legal experts and scholars are nearly unanimous that the Military Commissions Act does affect American citizens.

Source: Black Listed News