Saturday, November 18, 2006

Israel's Button Pushing

 There's no end to news like this, and I don't think anyone is reading it.

Gee, I thought Israel had nothing to do with this war, and that anyone who said otherwise was merely spreading anti-Semitic canards. Why, in that case, does Israel need "other options," or, indeed, any options at all?

This war was always about enhancing Israel's strategic position, and nothing else: not oil, not democracy, not WMD. The goal was to extend Israel's sphere of influence, and that is precisely what is occurring. To the victor go the spoils, and Hersh's revelations highlight the Israelis as the real winners of this war:

"Israeli intelligence and military operatives are now quietly at work in Kurdistan, providing training for Kurdish commando units and, most important in Israel's view, running covert operations inside Kurdish areas of Iran and Syria. Israel feels particularly threatened by Iran, whose position in the region has been strengthened by the war. The Israeli operatives include members of the Mossad, Israel's clandestine foreign-intelligence service, who work undercover in Kurdistan as businessmen and, in some cases, do not carry Israeli passports."

I love how the issue is framed in Hersh's piece: the Israelis advised us to seal the Iraqi borders against Iranian infiltration, we are told, and warned that the violence was bound to increase. As if only they could have predicted the altogether predictable. What geniuses! A former top Administration official cites his Israeli counterparts as saying: "You're not going to get it right in Iraq, and shouldn't we be planning for the worst-case scenario and how to deal with it?"

In other words: if you're not going to install Ahmed Chalabi and his gang – who promised to recognize Israel and even build an oil pipeline from Mosul to Haifa – and you won't do to the Iraqis what we're doing to the Palestinians, then we'll just have to take matters into our own hands.

By arming Kurdish commando (i.e. terrorist) units, and launching provocative incursions, the long arm of Israel is reaching out to jab Syria and Iran – and stab the U.S. in the back. They did it, so we are supposed to understand, more in sorrow than in anger – after all, they warned us, didn't they?

Source: The Stab in the Back- by Justin Raimondo


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Chertoff says U.S. threatened by international law


Nov 17, 2006 — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Bush administration official on Friday said the European Union, the United Nations and other international entities increasingly are using international law to challenge U.S. powers to reject treaties and protect itself from attack.

"International law is being used as a rhetorical weapon against us," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, a former federal appellate judge, said in a speech to the Federalist Society, a conservative policy group.

Chertoff cited members of the European Parliament in particular as harboring an "increasingly activist, left-wing and even elitist philosophy of law" at odds with American practices and interests.

Source: ABC News: Chertoff says U.S. threatened by international law


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Iraq pullout talk makes Iran uneasy

All the more reason for the Bush administration to suck it up and start embracing diplomacy....Or, maybe they want Iran in chaos....With nuclear weapons. 

LONDON — Iran has consistently opposed the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq, but new prospects of a stepped-up American withdrawal are prompting growing unease in the Islamic Republic, where many fear the repercussions of a dangerously unstable neighbor.
Officially, Iran's policy remains flatly opposed to American troops in Iraq and characterizes them as a key contributor to the escalating violence. Iran's government says it wants the U.S. to withdraw at the earliest possible opportunity.
But the U.S. elections this month that swept in a Democratic majority to Congress and subsequent talk of a phased pullout have touched off a discussion in Tehran about the outright anarchy that could result.

Source: Iraq pullout talk makes Iran uneasy


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 This is the last paragraph from a good article.

As ugly secrets surface, Bushists will turn desperate. Democracy has failed their grand schemes; token resignations like Rumsfeld's come too little, too late. Only tyranny can save their skins. Will the beleaguered neocons led by Cheney and Bush, cornered like rats, unleash their brand-new police state on their political opponents? Or will they tough it out and suck up the fines and prison sentences to come? The next year or two could go either way.

The nightmare is not over.



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Friday, November 17, 2006

Native vote is big in Montana

 I'm curious.

BROWNING, Mont. - Montana state Senator-elect Carol Juneau of Browning was happy with the results on election night, when a total of 10 Indians - all Democrats - won election to either the state House or state Senate.
''This is the most we've ever had in the state Legislature,'' she said.
When she was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1999, four Indians were serving in the state Legislature: and that was higher than in earlier years. It has gradually increased since that time, and in the last session there were eight.
''We had hoped there would be nine this year. Because I was term-limited and couldn't run for the House again, Shannon Augare ran for my seat. He was unopposed and was elected.'' Juneau said. ''I ran for the Senate, where a non-Indian had served before, but he wasn't eligible and I was elected. That made nine of us. Then Douglas Cordier, a Salish Kootenai man from Columbia Falls, ran against the incumbent and Cordier won. We were very pleased.''

Source: Native vote is big in Montana : ICT [2006/11/17]


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Good Riddance To The Gingrichites

 This is a 'must read' article.

This is a story I should have written 12 years ago when the "Contract with America" Republicans captured the House in 1994. I apologize.
Really, it's just a simple thesis: The men who ran the Republican Party in the House of Representatives for the past 12 years were a group of weirdos. Together, they comprised one of the oddest legislative power cliques in our history. And for 12 years, the media didn't call a duck a duck, because that's not something we're supposed to do.
I'm not talking about the policies of the Contract for America crowd, but the character. I'm confident that 99 percent of the population — if they could see these politicians up close, if they watched their speeches and looked at their biographies — would agree, no matter what their politics or predilections.

Read the whole story.


Source: Good Riddance To The Gingrichites, CBS' Meyer: GOP 'Chess Club' Ruled The House For 12 Years And Won't Be Missed - CBS News


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Watching Religions


Kurdish Media, Iraqi Kurdistan
George Bush, Osama bin Laden and Three Religions Gone Awry

"Ever since these religions descended on mankind, we have suffered war, strife and upheaval, which have all been perpetuated by people claiming that they support the word of God and that God supports them.

By Dr. Fereydun Hilmi
November 14, 2006

Great opinion piece, follow the link.

Source: Watching America


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Questions for Republicans


for my Republican Christian friends:

Can you be a true follower of the Christ who commanded us to look out for the poor and weak of society and remain a survival-of-the-fittest capitalist, and a trickle-down economics Republican?

How does Republican economic philosophy fit in with the Christian doctrine of helping the poor, caring for the widow, and supporting the weak in all areas of society (which, according to the Sheep and the Goats parable of Matthew 25, will form the basis on which we will be judged worthy of heaven)?

Republican economics looks more like social Darwinism than the social gospel. Less (or no) regulation of corporations unleashes upon society’s weakest ones a business muscle which the individual voter/consumer/employee will always be powerless to resist. How is that Christian?

But the GOP Believer looks the other way, it seems; or perhaps more accurately is blinded to economic issues by the two-issue blinders: homosexuality, and perhaps even more firmly entrenched in the Christian political mindset, abortion.

Abortion is a controversial issue, a complicated question, an often avoidable tragedy. But what about the living children, the children of the ever-shrinking middle class, or the ever-growing poorer class? Why does it seem like the lives of the unborn are more important to Christians than the lives of the already-born?

What about living children, and their right to a good education (even if their parents aren’t wealthy)?

What about the right of living poor children to the same great health care enjoyed by those lucky enough to have great health insurance?

Then there is the issue of war.

Isn’t the only true Christian view of war an abhorrence of it, an absolute rejection of its use as anything but a last, last resort; an extremely temporary emergency solution?

Diplomacy is difficult, but much more to be desired than bombs and death. Isn’t this a better way to “support our troops”?: be careful to let our government only send them to fight wars when all other options have been completely exhausted, and the purpose of the war is completely just and justifiable? And if there is any doubt about the war’s purpose, or victorious outcome, to support our troops by bringing them home from unjust, unwinnable wars?

Certainly, states have sovereign territory, loyal citizens, and an obligation to protect both of them for the good of all. But isn’t this true: the Christian residing within any state which chooses war before it becomes absolutely necessary (which would be a subjective, individual opinion, in most cases) must protest that war, and work to prevent it?

How else could he or she retain a clear conscience, considering all the potential suffering which could be unleashed on generations of innocent people should war occur? Compare how the present administration is using war with this philosophy, and it is found wanting.

And how is it Christian, or American, or even human, to shout down and obstruct and insult those who promote peace by protesting war? Yet Christians, and Republicans, and Republican Christians have done this to war protesters.

Just a few questions for my Christian Republican friends.

Source: » Questions for Republicans


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Roving, Rover Rove

Too good to be true. 

Rove May Leave Within Weeks.

The rumors that chief White House political architect Karl Rove will leave sometime next year are being bolstered with new insider reports that his partisan style is a hurdle to President Bush's new push for bipartisanship. A key Bush advisor tells the US News Political Bulletin, "Karl represents the old style and he's got to go if the Democrats are going to believe Bush's talk of getting along." The advisor said a departure might come in "weeks, not months." A Rove ally, however, noted that he has a record of out-witting his critics.

Source: Political Bulletin: Friday, November 17, 2006


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More Israeli Ties To Iraq Insurgency


It can now be reported that Zapata Engineering has hired these Israeli Mossad-types into Iraq for the purposes of alleged counter-insurgency.

However, the alleged Israeli engineers have now been fingered for sniping at U.S. Soldiers and the murder of two female American Marines who had their throats slit and then placed in garbage dumps.

These female Marines had been investigating the origins of the I.E.D. (Improvised Explosives Devices). And of course it gets worse. It can now be reported that the origin of the I.E.D.’s, come not from Iran, but come from Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv.

Source: CLOAK AND DAGGER Internet Magazi


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Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract

This is just wrong. 

How ironic. We noted in August that ex-Israeli security chief Uza Dayan was warning the US against emulating Israeli strategies in securing the Mexican border. Now it appears that Elbit Systems, an Israeli firm which is building the "Apartheid Wall" in occupied Palestine, has been awarded a contract, along with Boeing, to build the wall on the Mexican border. From Israel21C, Oct. 15:

Source: Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract | World War 4 Report


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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Top Ten Things A Cat Thinks About


1. I could have sworn I heard the can opener.

2. Is there something I'm not getting when humans make noise with their mouths?

3. Why doesn't the government do something about dogs?

4. I wonder if Morris really liked 9-Lives, or did he have an ulterior motive?

5. Hmmm ... If dogs serve humans, and humans serve cats, why can't we cats ever get these stupid dogs to do anything for us?

6. This looks like a good spot for a nap.

7. Hey, no kidding, I'm sure that's the can opener.

8. Would humans have built a vast and complex civilization of their own if we cats hadn't given them a reason to invent sofas and can openers in the first place?

9. If there's a God, how can He allow neutering/spaying?

10. If that really was the can opener, I'll play finicky just to let them know who's boss!

Source: Bits & Pieces: Top Ten Things A Cat Thinks About


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Bad!..... Bad Bambi!!!


We responded, assuming by the time we got there the deer would be gone," said Cpl. Brian.

When they arrived, five or six minutes after the 911 call, "we pull up, and immediately hear her screaming. There's a lot of equipment, farm machinery, rubble all around this house, and we weren't sure where she was at. We split up -- we were trying to find her, assuming she was screaming because of injuries to him.

"But I get to the back yard and find her pinned to the ground by a large buck. He had his front feet straddling her, one on each side of her torso."

The buck was goring the woman in the chest, neck and face, he said.

"Obviously I had to do something to stop it. But even from 8 or 10 feet I didn't want to shoot the deer -- his upper body was right down by her chest. And I wasn't sure exactly where Trooper Wilcox was. So I picked up the left horn, I pulled it toward me on the left side and that got the buck up high enough off her that I could get a shot. I immediately started shooting it in the chest. It took off and ran almost directly into Trooper Wilcox," who had come around from a different side of the house. "He shot it several more times and put it down."

Source: Couple severely injured in deer attack


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Guantanamo Prisoner Reveals Extent of Torture


Tales of Torture

    "They tell you 'you are from Al-Qaeda' and when you say 'no' they give the (electric) current to your feet.... As you keep saying 'no' this goes on for two or three hours," he said, adding he had several times lost consciousness," Kurnaz said.

    He claimed he was once shackled to a ceiling for "four or five days."

    "They take you down in the mornings when a doctor comes to see whether you can endure more," he said. "They let you sit when the interrogator comes.... They take you down about three times a day so you do not die."

    Kurnaz also alleged prisoners were locked up in cells into which frigid or hot air was pumped.

    "I saw several people die," he said. "Sometimes I thought I could no longer stand it and would also die."

    He claimed he was once left without food for 20 days and spoke of psychological abuse, including "religious insults" such as the Koran being kicked on the ground.

Source: Former Guantanamo Prisoner Reveals Extent of Torture


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UK 'ignored spy's al-Qaeda fear'

Finger pointing time! 

UK intelligence services were warned of the threat posed by al-Qaeda in the mid 1990s but did not act quickly enough, says a spy who infiltrated the network.

The agent told the BBC he warned his handlers that al-Qaeda was better organised than was previously thought.

Known by the pseudonym of Omar Nasiri, he worked for intelligence in the UK and France, and trained in Afghanistan.

Mr Nasiri also claimed a senior al-Qaeda operative planted evidence to provoke the US into war against Iraq.

Ibn Sheikh Al-Libi fabricated links between al-Qaeda and Iraq when being questioned by US forces in late 2001, he said.

Al-Qaeda was far more organised, coherent and determined than was appreciated at the time

Spy lifts lid on al-Qaeda

BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera said the revelations had provided an "insight into the emergence of al-Qaeda in the 90s".

He said French authorities had been concerned about Algerian terrorists and British authorities feared attacks in the UK.

But the details given by the agent, who worked for both the French and British intelligence services, showed that "people were not necessarily looking at those global interconnections".

Source: BBC NEWS | UK | UK 'ignored spy's al-Qaeda fear'


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Stop Fake News Now!

 Link takes you to a petition site.

Despite an ongoing investigation, corporate propaganda is
infiltrating local TV newscasts, with disguised product advertisements
posing as genuine news reports. This represents a breach of the trust
between broadcasters and their viewers.

Take action to stop fake news today. Demand that the Federal Communications Commission investigate, strengthen disclosure requirements and punish station owners that air fake news.

Source: Take Action: Television's Dirty Secret


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Flitty McFlitty, a female rufous hummingbird, attacked a woman handler who was killed “on the spot,” said Max Dougan, a spokesperson for Nectar Acres.
A male trainer was injured when he tried to intervene and was taken to a hospital in Everett via helicopter. The hospital specializes in hummingbird injuries.
The bright green-headed Flitty McFlitty weighs almost nothing and came to the sanctuary after it had injured its wing on a flower petal, according to the sanctuary’s Web site.
At her previous residence at Bird Haven Magical Bird House in Baraboo, Wisconsin, Flitty McFlitty hurt several staffers and visitors, earning a reputation as a “dangerous hummingbird,” according to her biography on the site.
Audubon Society members and the local birding community is shocked by not surprised. “I feel for the family,” says birding enthusiast Hester Prialta of Enumclaw, “but every time you’re near a hummingbird you’ve got to be very careful. They’re pretty to look at until they viciously attack you without warning.”



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Bolton And Blackmail?

And this is exactly why the Bush administration wanted warrantless wiretaps.

'Gravediggers' will be next on Bush's wiretap list. 

According to National Security Agency insiders, outgoing NSA Director General Michael Hayden approved special communications intercepts of phone conversations made by past and present U.S. government officials. The intercepts are at the height of the current controversy surrounding the nomination of Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations. It was revealed by Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd during Bolton’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee nomination hearing that Bolton requested transcripts of 10 NSA intercepts of conversations between named U.S. government officials and foreign persons. Later, it was revealed that U.S. companies [also treated as "U.S. persons" by NSA] were also identified in an additional nine intercepts requested by Bolton. However, NSA insiders report that Hayden approved special intercept operations on behalf of Bolton and had them masked as "training missions" in order to get around internal NSA regulations that normally prohibit such eavesdropping on U.S. citizens.

Source: Wayne Madsen Report - Home


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Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq?

 No comment.

Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter  continues.

Proof: At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. I mean, it’s not exactly an easily obtainable Saturday night special! Something this sophisticated points to Mossad.

Source: Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq? « NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE


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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Would Have Paid To Watch This


We found this insane story last week about James Baker III shouting down Cheney and Bush 43 (in a fetal position) in some Godfather-style Oval Office takeover meeting right before the election. It was allegedly told by Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe to Chris Matthews during Election Night coverage, live on MSNBC at 4:30 a.m. — of course there are no transcripts, no YouTube evidence, etc.

But now that Newsweek has pretty much confirmed the whole story, we might as well repeat it here, after the jump.

Here’s the original claim, which appeared on the world’s greatest lunatic website (Godlike Productions) on Thursday:

Source: Crazy Web Claims Pretty Much Confirmed By Newsweek - Wonkette


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International poll ranks Bush a threat to world peace

 History will definetly remember him

TORONTO: A majority of people in three countries with close ties to the U.S. — Britain, Canada and Mexico — consider President George W. Bush a threat to world peace, ranking the U.S. president right up there with the leaders of two countries he has labeled part of the "axis of evil" — North Korea's Kim Jong Il and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"It is striking that these are America's closest allies and the populations are going, 'Whoa, this guy is a danger to the world,'" said Paul Adams, executive director of Ottawa-based EKOS Research which released the poll results Friday.

"These are allies and if the populations of their countries are saying George Bush is a threat to peace, that's a pretty damning statement about Bush's public diplomacy in the world."

Source: International poll ranks Bush a threat to world peace - iht,america,World Views of Bush, 1st Ld-Writethru - Americas - International Herald Tribune


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Candle Powered Space Heater

This is a follow up on a post I made a While back on staying warm this winter. The link will take you to a page selling 'Candle Heaters'. Looks interesting to me. 

This is a very wonderful and marvelous device and I am very happy to present it to you!

    The Quad-Core Radiator is suspended above a jar candle on a solid steel frame so that the inner steel core is directly above the flame.

    This inner steel core is driven to very high temperatures by the burning candle flame and becomes a central radiating body.

    The intense heat of the inner core is transferred into the three ceramic modulators, one into the other. The high inner temperatures are gradually reduced by the increasingly thicker walls and larger surface area of the modulators.

Source: Home


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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

They'll never learn!

This is from August '06

"Vice President Cheney is relying on personal briefings from Shulsky
for current intelligence on Iran," said this intelligence official.

Shulsky, a leading Neoconservative and member of the Project for the
New American Century (PNAC), headed the shadowy and secretive
Department of Defense's OSP in the lead-up to the Iraq war -- helping
to locate intelligence that would support the Bush administration's
case for war with Iraq.


Several foreign policy experts, who wish to remain anonymous, have
expressed serious concern that much like the OSP, the ID is
manipulating, cherry picking, and perhaps even -- as some suspect --
cooking intelligence to lead the U.S. into another conflict, this time
with Iran.

"Cheney distrusts the information being disseminated by CIA on
Iran," said one former senior intelligence official. "The reports
assembled by the Iranian Directorate at the Pentagon differ
significantly from the analysis produced by the Intelligence Community.
The Pentagon Iranian Directorate relies on thin and unsupported
reporting from foreign sources."

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What.....We Did It For Israel?

Duhhh! Do you think? 

If members on both sides of the House have been so seduced by AIPAC that they refuse to see how much U.S. policy in the Middle East is shaped by AIPAC they might be interested in a recent poll by Zogby International. The national survey showed that a large percentage of Americans believe the pro-Israel lobby was a significant influence on the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq and take a hard line on Iran.


In a more shocking national poll by Zogby, another study showed that a majority of academics believe the United States’ link to Israel is a serious threat to global peace and stability.


Source: Academics Fear Israel’s Power


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Middle East Experts...What Good Are They?

I find it hard to believe that with all the problems we have in the Middle East that this administration is still so incompetent to not have at least one 'Expert' involved with the 'Iraq Study Group'. 

The media is going to play this report up big and quite frankly it's already annoying the hell out of me. John makes some good points about the traps for our Democratic leaders, but what's really insane is that there isn't one Middle East expert on the panel. NOT one.

Source: Crooks and Liars » The Iraq Study Group to nowhere


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Stock Markets At All Time High

 Damn Democrats!!!

NEW YORK (AP) - Wall Street rebounded sharply Tuesday, with the Dow Jones industrials surging further into record territory after a Federal Reserve official indicated the Fed will maintain its policy of stable interest rates.

Investors who were heartened by an earlier report of slowing wholesale inflation were cheered by comments from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President William Poole, who described the Fed's interest rate policy as "about right." Poole, who currently sits on the Fed's policy-making Open Market Committee, reassured a market that has been counting on a steady rate policy for the near future.

Source: My Way News - Stocks Surge on Fed Official's Comments


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51 Signs You're Getting Older

Large print edition 

Here's the first ten.

1. Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

2. The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals.

3. You feel like the morning after and you haven't been anywhere.

4. Your little black book contains only names that end in M.D.

5. Your children begin to look middle aged.

6. You finally reach the top of the ladder and find it leaning against the wrong wall.

7. Your mind makes contracts your body can't meet.

8. You look forward to a dull evening.

9. Your favorite part of the newspaper is "20 Years Ago Today."

10. You turn out the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons.

Source: 51 Signs You're Getting Older

Don't Worry. We're Only Lying!

 They do know this is illegal don't they?

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) has documented television 111 television stations -- from those in the largest to the smallest markets -- that aired video news releases (VNRs) or related satellite media tours (SMTs) without disclosure to viewers.

Collectively, these 111 stations reach more than half of the U.S. population. The VNRs and SMTs were produced by broadcast PR firms for clients, including General Motors, Intel, ExxonMobil, Pfizer and Capital One. In almost every case, these television stations actively disguised the sponsored content to make it appear to be their own reporting. Stations routinely failed to balance the clients' messages with independently gathered footage or basic journalistic research.

Source: Free Press : No Fake News


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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Keith Olbermann: The 21st Centuries Murrow


Keith Olbermann just needed to find his voice. He'd been a droll sportscaster, a serious news anchor and a bickering critic of Fox News host Bill O'Reilly. But none of those personas really clicked.

Then he found one. A little over a year ago, as the White House fumbled and botched the Hurricane Katrina recovery, Olbermann finally blew up.

He concluded a broadcast of his MSNBC cable news show, "Countdown,'' with an indignant rant in the rat-a-tat-tat cadence of his idol, Edward R. Murrow. He called it a "Special Comment.''

And just like that, Olbermann found his voice -- the angry everyman. He became a liberal counterpoint to conservative media ranters like O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, and an Internet star, too.

Source: Olbermann taps a well of discontent as the anti-O'Reilly


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Fundamentalists vs Conservatives


If anyone asks for the difference between a conservative and a fundamentalist, please use this:

A conservative writes the traffic law so you may turn right on red.

A fundamentalist is the driver behind you, honking his/her horn to make you turn right on red.

With corner cops down the street if you choose wrong.

Source: Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish: Fundamentalists vs Conservatives

Bush Is Chicken!

At least that's what Iraq's al Qaeda leader is saying


Like the Republicans, al Qaeda is in desperate shape. Just as George Bush Jr. insists that US forces must stay in Iraq because the Terrorists™ are there and want them out, the “foreign fighter jihadist types” need the American presence to fight. Without the occupation, the Sunni Iraqis – Religious or Ba’athist – lose their incentive to harbor the jihadists who are now useful against the Americans.

In other words, if the US leaves, “al Qaeda in Iraq” is out of a job.

See, for example, “Zarqawi’s successor,” Abu Hamza al-Muhajer (aka Abu Ayyub al-Masri). He is so frightened that the recent Iraq Mandate election in the United States will lead to a withdrawal, he has released a tape railing against Bush, questioning his manhood and such, apparently hoping that a last ditch, call-you-chicken-in-front-of-your-girl-type insult will give Bush some fresh talking points to keep this farce/tragedy going.

It will probably work. From CNN:

Source: Blog · Al Qaeda wants the U.S. to stay in Iraq

Fibromyalgia = Brain Trauma?

This is interesting 

EEG Stimulation: Neurotherapy and Fibromyalgia
Dr. Mary Lee Esty believes fibromyalgia (FMS) is misnamed because the dysfunction is in the brain, not in the muscle fibers.  Trauma-induced changes in the central nervous system (CNS) perpetuate FMS symptoms.  The CNS ability to filter and process signals is modified, leaving increased perception of pain.  Dr. Esty has found that most FMS patients seen in her clinic have a history of mild or moderate brain trauma. When brain cells are damaged by physical or biochemical trauma, imbalances appear, regardless of the cause of damage.  The first 2 grades of concussion do not involve loss of consciousness and many people remain unaware that they have sustained a concussion.  Brain trauma is cumulative.  Minor brain traumas through life can culminate in a variety of major dysfunctions.  The majority of FMS patients have had brain trauma that is sufficient to affect functioning.

Best viewed with Internet Explorer

Source: EEG Stimulation: Neurotherapy and Fibromyalgia


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