Saturday, November 25, 2006

If It Weren't For Bad Luck

Here's a story from the UK on the world's most unlucky man.

His latest mishap was falling down a manhole where his cries for help were ignored. 

Lyne's career began as a child, when he fell off a horse and cart and was run over by a delivery van. As a teenager, he fell from a tree and broke his arm. On his way home from hospital - on Friday 13th - the bus he was in crashed, provoking another fracture in the same arm.

Since then, he's been hit by lightning twice, fallen victim to a rock-fall in a mine, has nearly drowned and has enjoyed three car crashes.

Source: Britain's unluckiest man falls down manhole | The Register


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Friday, November 24, 2006

News From The Front

Found this by way of Suburban Guerilla, It's an Excerpt from a letter that was received by Juan Cole. It's worth the read, especially the portion in bold. 

‘ It is desperate in Iraq, worse then ever and there is no end in sight. I had lunch with [a former high ranking medical educator in Iraq] two days ago. [He]noted that Iraq no longer has neuro-surgeons, no cardiac surgeons, few pediatric doctors - they are all gone, killed or fled to neighboring countries like him. He was given seven days to get out or be killed. He is one of the lucky ones. He and his family have an opportunity for a new life in the US. But what about all the others. Where are they to go?

Another friend, a Sunni sheikh of the Shammar tribe noted to me that thousands of former officers are prepared to assault the G[reen] Z[one]. It is no longer a matter of can they do it, they are only mulling over the timing. The breach of the Green Zone security the other day was a test of their ability to get in, and not a real attempt at a coup, though it is reported as such. Every Iraqi I talk to says unambiguously that the resistance attached to the former regime would take out the Shiite militias with barely a fight, but that the resistance will not commit wholesale revenge against the Shiite population. They just want to get rid of the “carpet baggers” from Iran.’

Source: Suburban Guerrilla » ‘A Test’


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Were! Number! Wah!.....Uh Number...seventeen.

 U.S. ranks seventeenth, UK twentythird.

Best functioning democracies

1. Sweden 9,88
2. Iceland 9,71
3. Netherlands 9.66
4. Norway 9,55
5. Denmark 9,52
6. Finland 9,25
7. Luxembourg 9,10
8. Australia 9,09
9. Canada 9.02
10. Switzerland 9.02

Source: Norway fourth best democracy -


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Calling All Coyotes

Here's a link to a home video (bad quality) of a guy trying to keep a coyote in the camera shot while the coyote does what coyotes do.

Definetly worth a look.

Click here (via


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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

So you won't be out of the loop.




  • The whole film was graded digitally on computer. The negative was scanned in with a Spirit Datacine at 2K resolution and then colors were digitally fine-tuned. The process took several weeks. The resulting digital master was output on film again with a Kodak laser recorder to create a print master. It was the first time this had been done for a whole film in Hollywood (but not in other countries).
  • The American Humane Association, an organization that protects animal rights, mistook a computer-generated cow in the movie for a real animal and demanded proof before they would allow the use of their famous disclaimer, "No animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture." After seeing a demonstration at Digital Domain of how the cow was created, the Humane Association added the now-familiar (but then much rarer) "Scenes which may appear to place an animal in jeopardy were simulated."
  • The cabin in the valley before it is flooded is a replica of the cabin from The Evil Dead, a movie directed by 'Sam Raimi (I)' , a friend and co-conspirator of the Coens.
  • The scene where Ulysses, Pete and Delmar come upon the KKK meeting is a reference to the scene in The Wizard of Oz when the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion sneak up on the Witch's castle. The chanting and formation marching of the Witch's guards are mimicked by the KKK members. Infiltration is achieved in both films by overpowering three guards and KKK members respectively and donning their garb.
  • References to Homer's Odyssey:-The names of
  • The bluegrass trio, The Peasall Sisters, provided the singing voices for George Clooney's daughters, the Wharvey Girls, but didn't appear in the film. They were told they didn't look pitiful enough to get the part (according to their documentary, "Family Harmony").
  • The first man to throw a tomato at Homer Stokes at his Political Rally is the folksinger Doc Watson.
  • What's wrong?


  • The film shows George "Babyface" Nelson on his way to the electric chair. But George Nelson was never arrested in Mississippi, and was killed by police bullets north of Chicago in 1934. The filmmakers knew this.
  • The people singing along with "You Are My Sunshine" near the end are clearly a few beats off. Their clapping syncs up but they're singing a different line.
  • In the movie theatre, clearly posted above each door is a modern red-lit EXIT sign.
  • The real W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel had no presence in Mississippi politics. He was a Texas flour salesman who became a regional radio personality (as host of broadcasts of Bob Wills and the Light Crust Doughboys), then used that as a platform to launch himself into Texas politics, becoming governor, then Senator. The filmmakers knew this.
  • In the cafe with Big Dan Teague, Everett's voice doesn't match up with his lips while he is ordering during the close-ups of Big Dan.
  • When the escapees suddenly realize that large numbers of Christian congregants are walking by them singing, it comes as a surprise; this could be because they walked from the church to the river, and so arrived fairly quietly.
  • When Ulysses goes into the department store to confront his wife, you see her fiancĂ© walking around upstairs. It cuts away and when it cuts back, he walks the same place he walked before.
  • When Ulysses is walking out of the store having found his pomade, a modern electrical transformer can be seen on a utility pole in the background.
  • The Martin guitar played by the woman at the rally is obviously not from the era. The gold sealed gear tuning machines were first used in the '60s.
  • The scenes before and after the flood must only be one or two minutes apart, as they were able to hold their breath and not drown. But before the flood it is very sunny (strong shadows), and after the flood the sky is a hazy white (no shadows).
  • When the crowd is escorting "Baby Face" Nelson to the electric chair, two musicians are playing. One is playing the fiddle, the other a mandolin. However, the music we hear is that of a fiddle and guitar.
  • What be said.


  • George Nelson: Cows! I hate cows worse than coppers!
    [fires his Tommy gun at them]
    Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, George... not the livestock.
  • Ulysses Everett McGill: You ever been with a woman?
    Delmar O'Donnell: I gotta get the family farm back before I start worrying about that.
  • Ulysses Everett McGill: You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers.
  • Pete: The Preacher said it absolved us.
    Ulysses Everett McGill: For him, not for the law. I'm surprised at you, Pete, I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.
    Delmar O'Donnell: But they was witnesses that seen us redeemed.
    Ulysses Everett McGill: That's not the issue Delmar. Even if that did put you square with the Lord, the State of Mississippi's a little more hard-nosed.
  • [Repeated line]
    Ulysses Everett McGill: Damn! We're in a tight spot!
  • Ulysses Everett McGill: Me an' the old lady are gonna pick up the pieces and retie the knot, mixaphorically speaking.
  • Ulysses Everett McGill: I'll tell you what I am - I'm the damn paterfamilias! You can't marry him!
  • Pete: Wait a minute. Who elected you leader of this outfit?
    Ulysses Everett McGill: Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote.
    Pete: Suits me. I'm voting for yours truly.
    Ulysses Everett McGill: Well I'm voting for yours truly too.
    [Everett and Pete look at Delmar for the deciding vote]
    Delmar O'Donnell: Okay... I'm with you fellas.
  • Pete: I've always wondered, what's the devil look like?
    Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons, Pete, but the great Satan hisself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail, and he carries a hay fork.
    Tommy Johnson: Oh, no. No, sir. He's white, as white as you folks, with empty eyes and a big hollow voice. He likes to travel around with a mean old hound. That's right.
  • And Hallie's most favoritist

    Homer Stokes: Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituency?


    See's Yuuh awlll!.... t'mawroe!


    Lot's more here (via Amazon)

    Somebody Needs A Nap!

    Children, very....very,very young children. 

    WASHINGTON - Republicans vacating the Capitol are dumping a big spring cleaning job on Democrats moving in. GOP leaders have opted to leave behind almost a half-trillion-dollar clutter of unfinished spending bills,

    There's also no guarantee that Republicans will pass a multibillion-dollar measure to prevent a cut in fees to doctors treating Medicare patients.

    The bulging workload that a Republican-led Congress was supposed to complete this year but is instead punting to 2007 promises to consume time and energy that Democrats had hoped to devote to their own agenda upon taking control of Congress in January for the first time in a dozen years.

    The decision to drop so much unfinished work in Democrats' laps demonstrates both division within Republicans ranks and the difficulty in resolving so many knotty questions in so short a time. GOP leaders promised their House and Senate members the December lame duck session would last no more than two weeks, or until Dec. 16 at the latest.

    Source: GOP leaving spending bills to Democrats - Yahoo! News

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    TeeVee I'm Baiting U!

     You know this already I'm sure. Comments welcome! (link, below post).

    Republican Vern Buchanan's 369-vote victory was certified by state officials Monday. His camp says that, although people may have skipped the race -- intentionally or not -- there is no evidence that votes went missing.
    But the results of the Sentinel analysis, two experts said, warrant additional investigation.
    "Wow," University of Virginia political analyst Larry Sabato said. "That's very suggestive -- I'd even say strongly suggestive -- that if there had been votes recorded, she [Jennings] would have won that House seat."
    David Dill, an electronic-voting expert at Stanford University, put it this way: "It seems to establish with certainty that more Democrats are represented in those undervoted ballots."

    Source: Analysis: Ballots favored Dems - Orlando Sentinel : State News Analysis: Ballots favored Dems - Orlando Sentinel : State News

    Analogies Authored By Teenagers

    These never get old. Here's the first seven. click on the link below for more. 

    1. Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a ThighMaster.

    2. His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.

    3. He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.

    4. She grew on him like she was a colony of E. Coli, and he was room-temperature Canadian beef.

    5. She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

    6. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.

    7. He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.

    Source: The 25 Funniest Analogies (Collected by High School English Teachers) « Writing English


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    Tuesday, November 21, 2006

    'Phreaking' Wiretaps

     Here's some instructions on how to foil a phone tap.

    Think the Feds might be jacked into your home line? Well, there’s no need to skulk down to the corner pay phone to conduct your business. All you need is a C note. University of Pennsylvania computer science professor Matt Blaze ­dissected the wiretap equipment commonly used by law enforcement and found a few, um, bugs. Spies, it turns out, don’t like to record dead air, so they turn the system off by playing a special C-pitched tone when the target phone is hung up. As a result, anyone with an MP3 player and a recorded C can prevent eavesdroppers from snooping on their private chatter. It doesn’t work with all listening devices, though, so there’s no guarantee the NSA won’t come calling.

    Source: Wired 14.12: START


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    The only meowing in the cat world is done between mom cat and her young kittens. A kitten’s tiny “mew” is a cute, endearing sound, used to solicit attention and care from mom cat.
    So why do cats have two “languages?” Because meowing is unnecessary in a cat’s world. But in your world, your pet cat is dependent on you, and quickly learns that you are clearly not picking up the scent messages she leaves on your things, and you are not completely fluent in cat body language.
    The disarming “meow” however gets you to do what she wants and so that develops into a second language. Some scientists would go so far as to say that cats have refined their meows specifically to manipulate people. We have to admit it works.

    Source: petcentric: Your Bi-Lingual Kitty


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    And The Beat Goes On

    This is great - Click it! 

    Link to YouTube - Drumline


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    Pelosi's No Idiot!

     Exactly!! I'm so happy I found this in print. This is what I've been thinking all along.

    Cut to '06. Hot on the heels of an electoral triumph, Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi endorses as Majority Leader the member of the House most identified with speaking out against the war -- the man whose courage in doing so fueled the nationalized campaign that gave Democrats the majority in the first place. I'm speaking, of course, about Jack Murtha.

    Murtha then loses the Leadership race to Steny Hoyer. As Pelosi no doubt knew, it was an uphill battle from the beginning -- Hoyer had been tirelessly campaigning for the job among Democratic caucus members for months. But Pelosi gave her support to Murtha because, as she put it in the title of her blog this week on HuffPost: "Bringing the War to an End is my Highest Priority as Speaker."

    It doesn't get much clearer or more principled than that.

    Source: AlterNet: Media Miss the Point on Pelosi's Endorsement


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    Fox News Already Has A Comedy Show -O'Reilly!

     Sycophant, Sycophant, Sycophant, nothing else to say here.

    O'Reilly phoned in from his undisclosed location to claim "It's a culture war victory. The folks did it, and I am the messenger." He insisted that this proves that FOX News is independent - what other network would allow their commentators to go on air and slam a decision of their programming arm. He then reiterates the falsehood that FOX News Channel "has nothing to do with FOX broadcasting." (Except that they are wholly owned and operated by the same people, share a name, and do incestuous cross promotions all the time. And, as he noted, they are "arms" of the same media octopus.)

    Source: News Hounds: O'Reilly on OJ cancellation: "The folks did it, and I am the messenger"


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    Monday, November 20, 2006

    Christmas Cats

     Looks familiar.

    Your Instructors on how to assemble and decorate a Christmas tree are Iris and Fern - 2 fluffy tailed kitty sisters!

    Source: A Cats Christmas


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    Obrador 'inauguration' in Mexico

    Think anybody could get away with something like this in the U.S.. 

    Mr Lopez Obrador has promised he will do everything he can to hamper the government of Mr Calderon, who succeeds President Vicente Fox on 1 December.

    "Those neo-fascist reactionaries better not think they'll have room to manoeuvre," he told his supporters on Saturday.

    "We're going to keep them on a short leash."

    Source: BBC NEWS | Americas | Obrador 'inauguration' in Mexico

    Bush, And The Americas

    This article points to the fact that the current administration has done absolutely nothing to promote living standards and Democracy in our own backyard, but has only encouraged these countries to remain impoverished and Despotic, that is, until they have a need for them.

    Here's an excerpt relating to Cuba.


     A perfect example of accomplishing exactly nothing can be found in a report issued last week by our Government Accountability Office, the Congressionally-mandated organization that helps our legislators fulfill their oversight responsibilities.

        The GAO report found that US funds targeted to promote democracy in Cuba have been used to buy items like a gas chain saw, computer gaming equipment and software (including Nintendo Game Boys and Sony PlayStations), a mountain bike, leather coats, cashmere sweaters, crab meat and Godiva chocolates. According to the report, one grantee "could not justify some purchases made with USAID funds."

        Reuters reported that the GAO found little oversight and accountability in the program, which spent "$76 million between 1996 and 2005 to support Cuban dissidents, independent journalists, academics and others." It also found that 95 percent of the grants were issued without competitive bids.

        The auditors questioned checks written out to some staff members, questionable travel expenses, and payments to a manager's family. One group acknowledged selling books it was supposed to distribute under the democracy-promoting program.

        Out of 10 recipients of public money reviewed by the auditors, three failed to keep adequate financial records, the GAO said. A lot of the money was used to pay smugglers, or "mules," to avoid US restrictions on taking goods to Cuba.

        Critics have long charged that such grants are aimed more at winning votes in Miami than triggering political change on the communist island, where Castro has ruled since his 1959 revolution. Imagine that! To protect recipients from prosecution, none of the money from the USAID or the State Department is paid in cash to people in Cuba. A Cuban law can impose jail sentences on citizens who receive money. Instead, the funds are distributed to Cuban-American groups in Miami, the heartland of opposition to Cuban president Fidel Castro, and in Washington, and are supposed to be used to buy medicines, books, short-wave radios, and other goods that are smuggled into Cuba.

        President Bush has proposed increasing spending on Cuba-related programs, including propaganda transmissions by Radio and TV Marti, by $80 million over the next two years.

    Source: How Long Is Long Enough?


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    Sunday, November 19, 2006

    Another Take On The War


    1. Iraq was part of a coherent policy of dramatically reducing taxes on the very wealthy, and using war to bring in cheap oil and create jobs that would cover lack of stimulus from the tax package. We can see how the war was the economic stimulus by the speed at which the US economy began its rebound after the invasion.

    2. The communications and materials revolution allows for both greater centralization of power, and greater counter-centralization. It does not dramatically improve standards of living over the previous wave of industrialization.

    3. Thus the introduction of a light invasion force, without the ability to dramatically improve living standards, unleashed the counter-centralizing tendencies, allowing for the creation of multiple insurgencies and their growth into a civil war.

    4. Democracy, even in the Texified form that was proposed, was never an option. The magic free market fundamentalism - essentially "take government away and everything goes incredibly well" - never stood a chance. It is superstitous nonsense to begin with, and implemented by low quality intellects to compound the problem.

    - - -

    Now for the ugly conclusion. Consider that right now there is almost jubliation in the press over the return of people from the Bush the eldar administration - a failed one term adminstration which bollixed Iraq and the break up of the USSR, failed to deal with the transition away from high octane Reagan deficits, and allowed the largest banking collapse since the Great Depression in the collapse of the S&L scandal. And the Bush the young make these people look good.

    There is no money for a "heavy footprint" occupation. The best that can be done is scrounging up between 20K and 40K additional troops and throwing them at Baghdad to suppress the rebellion there temporarily, and allow the military pork to flow for a couple of more years before withdrawal and tax increases are put back into place. Basically, those who have looted the US Treasury want to make a clean get away with the money.

    Source: Rebooting the Dictator Software | TPMCafe


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    Our Man Cheney

     Must have missed this.

    And as an added bonus, Cheney now says he's willing to break the law in order to declare war on Iran.

    A month before the November 7 legislative elections, Hersh wrote, Vice President Dick Cheney attended a national-security discussion that touched on the impact of Democratic victory in both chambers on Iran policy.
    "If the Democrats won on November 7th, the vice president said, that victory would not stop the administration from pursuing a military option with Iran," Hersh wrote, citing a source familiar with the discussion.
    Cheney said the White House would circumvent any legislative restrictions "and thus stop Congress from getting in its way," he said.
    Republicans don't obey the law. They don't obey the will of the people. They do what they want to, to hell with what's right, to hell with the law, to hell with what the people want.

    Source: AMERICAblog: A blog for a great nation that deserves the truth


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