Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Fox News Already Has A Comedy Show -O'Reilly!

 Sycophant, Sycophant, Sycophant, nothing else to say here.

O'Reilly phoned in from his undisclosed location to claim "It's a culture war victory. The folks did it, and I am the messenger." He insisted that this proves that FOX News is independent - what other network would allow their commentators to go on air and slam a decision of their programming arm. He then reiterates the falsehood that FOX News Channel "has nothing to do with FOX broadcasting." (Except that they are wholly owned and operated by the same people, share a name, and do incestuous cross promotions all the time. And, as he noted, they are "arms" of the same media octopus.)

Source: News Hounds: O'Reilly on OJ cancellation: "The folks did it, and I am the messenger"


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