Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Scandal Sheet

 Page three is where it gets really bad.

After Bush was reelected, we pulled together a litany of Republican wrongdoing in our first installment of the Scandal Sheet -- a kind of worst-hits collection from Bush's first four-year tour. By no means did it cover everything, but it was plenty long and ugly. Perhaps we were overly optimistic and even a bit delusional, then, to think that Bush's narrow victory in November 2004 might leave him with a humbler, more sober view of his mandate. That we might see, at last, some letup from the blatant distortions of truth, the fear-mongering, the influence peddling, the incompetence and malfeasance -- the utter lack of accountability and remorse for how badly things had gone.

Source: The Scandal Sheet |

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