Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tax Cuts? There Weren't Any

Gee! even I understand this. 

So - here's the real story.  At some point one or a combination of two things has to happen.  Either:

1.) Taxes have to increase and/or
2.) Spending has to decrease
There is no way to get around the fact.

The Republican noise machine is selling a false bill of goods (funny, I almost wrote "goofs" instead which would probably be far more accurate.)  Different people have labeled Republican economic theory in different ways.  Kash at Angry Bear calls it the "free lunch" crowd.  Stirling Newberry calls it "borrow and squander".  I call it "you can have your cake and eat it to".  However, all of us are saying the same thing.

It's a false bill of goods.  There is only so long you can charge growth on the national credit card before you hit your limit.

Source: Daily Kos: Tax Cuts? There Weren't Any

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