Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wayne Madsen Does It Again

 George 'Macaca' Allen.

Allen is described by Capitol Hill insiders as having a relationship with one of his gay Senate staffers that is "closer" than his relationship with his wife Susan.

Allen's closeted homosexuality has long been the subject of interest ever since his time as Governor of Virginia. Allen, according to informed sources in Richmond, was a frequent visitor to private clubs in the state capital that catered to gay clients. The rumors about Allen dogged him from Richmond to Washington, especially after it became well known that Allen's DC hiring practices favored young gay men. Allen was also one of three U.S. Senators who received contributions from Rep. Mark Foley, who resigned after soliciting sex from underage male pages. The other two are Rick Santorum and Jim Talent.

Source: Wayne Madsen Report - Home

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