Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wayne Madsen Report

Wayne Madsen Report is one of those few web sites that regularly reports breaking news on politics well before the mainstream media becomes aware. The following paragraph is a case in point.

I'm going to put together my list of must read sites that do exactly what Wayne Madsen does on his. Hopefully it won't take me to long. check back often.

October 30, 2006 -- WMR previously reported on rumors from Capitol Hill East (in the bars along Pennsylvania Avenue) about Sen. Orrin Hatch's "secret" lifestyle. It appears that hypocrisy knows no bounds in the GOP. We have now received info from knowledgeable sources in Utah that the rumors about Hatch have much merit.

Time to send Hatch packing so he can sell his hypocritical "morality" somewhere other than in the US Senate.

Source: Wayne Madsen Report - Home

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